NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, MovNat Level II Certified Trainer,  B.A. University of Massachusetts Amherst, J.D. Touro Law Center.

In my early-to-mid-twenties, I felt like my body just gave up on me. Debilitating hip pain kept me from living my life. It became impossible for me to go hiking, play sports, or be active at all. My life came to a halt.

I was told the reason for my pain was femoroacetabular impingement ("FAI") and a hip labral tear. An orthopedic surgeon told me the only way out of pain was surgery. This didn’t feel right to me so I sought a different answer.

This journey started with trying all of the traditional conservative methods for relief including physical therapy, chiropractic care and injections but nothing worked. I eventually realized that nobody was going to fix me. I had to put the future of my hip health into my own hands.

I had to break through the discomfort. I had to challenge my physical limitations and false beliefs. Staying humble and understanding I had to go backwards before going forwards. This experience triggered a passion to help others in their journeys out of pain. 

I teach pain education and movement awareness to assist clients in their search for safer and healthier movement. 

I am a nature junkie and love hiking and biking around the Hudson Valley with my wife, Alex and young son Liam.

I also enjoy playing golf and basketball to test out my newly acquired strength and flexibility. 

Contact Maks